Last Week on Inked Brownies

A New Year: New Guidelines

First of all, a very happy New Year to all of you and thank you for all the thoughtful comments and support you’ve given me during these past couple of months!

As some of you already know, I am still suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum. The meds I’ve been given help a lot with reducing the barfing and gagging, but it sadly does not really tackle the nausea. Eating can still be a nightmare and I just want to sleep most of the day. The waiting for things to get better in the second trimester…yeah, I’m in my 14th week now and still waiting.

Now on to the stuff which brings you all here: books and blogging (and boobs maybe, but I’ll save that one for another time)!

The Blogging

Reading stuff on the interwebz still really worsens my condition. I get migraines and see lights flashing if I look at the screen for too long. Hence, my total lack of blog hopping and updating my own blog.

The Books

I’ve been able to read a little again thank FUCK, but noticed my patience with mediocre books has become pretty much non-existent. If it still hasn’t drawn me in by 20%, I won’t waste my precious reading time by continuing to try. And this is coming from the person who only DNF (did not finish) a book twice in the past 7 years or so. And those were because they were literally unreadable (hello James Joyce).

Then there are those books I’ve started at the height of my barf fest. Looking at their titles now brings on another wave of nausea meaning I am literally making myself sick when trying to read them. Massive apologies to the authors and publishers, but that’s a definite no-no for now. I’m not getting paid enough for that! And even if I were, I still wouldn’t do it.

Because this whole thing leaves me with a conundrum the size of a Frankfurter bratwurst, I decided that to be able to keep on blogging and reading, I have to set some new guidelines.

1. I am no longer accepting ANY review requests whatsoever

I’ve already shut that section down a while ago but sometimes, I’d make an exception for an author friend or something that just peaked my interest. Not anymore.

2. Apart from the ones I already have, I will stop reviewing ARC’s unless it’s something  I’ve been craving to read for ages (yes GRRRRRR Martin, I’m talking to you there!)

3. I will only read those books that I have chosen myself and/or have been on my to-read list for quite some time.*

4. I will attempt to finish my Owlcrate copies but apart from that: no more YA

My heart lies with adult Fantasy, Historical Fiction, and the occasional contemporaries from all over the world. My focus will be on those genres mostly because I feel like the joy has been sucked out of my reading experience (hormones plus my own fault) and I would like to bring that awesome feeling back.

* Also known as the Say No to The Flow-principle.

5. More meaningful interaction with other bloggers

I’ve already been very fortunate to meet a lovely bunch of coconuts bloggers from all over the world who have become very dear to me and vital in keeping up my motivation for all of this. Somewhere around the summer, I’ve started a massive blog hopping spree to spread the love. Which has not been a good idea at all because it meant way less time to read and write myself, spending 6+ hours every day to read the posts of hundreds of other people.

The main problem is that I’m literally unable to skim because I want to pay attention to the hard work someone else has put into his/her post. I also really like to avoid any fiascos by skimming and then not getting the true message behind the post. I’ve had a few people commenting “CONGRATULATIONS!” on a post in which I wrote about my father being diagnosed with cancer.
Now while I generally REALLY appreciate every single comment, this is not how I wish to communicate with others. Genuine interest = more meaningful interaction. It takes a little more time, though, which is why I’ll become more selective and thoroughly read those posts which seem interesting to me and/or from the blogs I enjoy the most. This will still be a fair number, but no more visiting hundreds of blogs every day.

I might’ve just portrayed myself as a total cunt, but gots to keep it real and fun!
“Great review!” is SO 2016.

Ending this massive wall of text (which I don’t expect y’all to read as thoroughly as I was just whining about in the previous paragraphs 😉 ) with a list of ARC’s/review copies that I will attempt to finish up neatly before making the transition to my own bookcase:


Riker’s Calling by Rico Lamoureux


Finished this one quite awhile ago.

Aerie by Maria Dahvana Headley


Same with this one. And it sucked.

Freeks by Amanda Hocking


Finished this one recently and it sucked the life right out of me.

Of Fire And Stars by Audrey Coulthurst


My first DNF when it comes to an ARC. I just can’t pick this up anymore.

Reviews of these four books will be posted in due time.

Reading/on hold:

A Star-Reckoners Lot by Darrell Drake


Sadly, one of the books which worsens my nausea even though there’s nothing wrong with it! Stranded at 30% for now.

The Magician’s Key by Matthew Cody


Same with this one! Stranded at 20%.

Legacy of Power by Fiona Tarr


One of the books I was already reading when the nausea began. Stranded at 15%.

The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R. Carey


A physical copy was sent to me by which is making me feel incredibly guilty for not being able to make their deadline, but just looking at this book makes me gag. While it wasn’t bad at all! Stranded at 10%.

Unfuck Your Habitat by Rachel Hoffman


This one doesn’t make me nauseous but furious with my husband so I’ve been putting it on hold at 15% as to maintain my marital status.

Haven’t started yet:

Battle Of The Bannockburn by Karen Gray


BIG And Small In The Mirror by Mary Feliciani


Fall From Grace by J. Edward Ritchie


The Dragon’s Blade: The Reborn King by Michael R. Miller


Giovanni Meets a Coven by Kathy Bryson


The Last Day of Captain Lincoln by Exo Books


That’s ten more books to read! With three of them being novellas and four that I’ve already started, I should be able to DO THIS!!

Especially before the wee one arrives and my life will most likely once more be deprived of reading ^^.

Did you read any of these books? Did they leave a big impression? What are your New Year’s resolutions when it comes to reading or blogging?

About Anne (231 Articles)
Dutch book reviewer who reviews in English. Grammar nazis beware!! I like brownies. And chamomile tea.

89 Comments on A New Year: New Guidelines

  1. I’m sorry you’re still not feeling well Anne. But the most important thing is that you take care of yourself and that little bundle your carrying. I’m sending you loads of hugs!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kim! Your last wonderful comment ended up in my spam folder for some reason, so now it looks like I’ve totally ignored you in the comment section. Thank you for doing the happy dance and all of the hugs, kisses, balloons and flowers! 😀 ❤ :-* I keep losing weight which would normally be a great thing but it’s not good for me or the bundle at all right now, so definitely keeping it on the down-low :). Thank you again!!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I really hope you start to feel better soon. You have to take care of yourself first and foremost. I also hope that you can enjoy reading again without getting headaches. I also think it’s amazing that you want to focus on the books on your own bookshelf. hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Ashley! I’ve got so many books that are just collecting dust on my shelves, so this will be better for me and for them ;). ❤


  3. thebookprophet // 02/01/2017 at 16:13 // Reply

    Hopefully the nausea will pass soon. I like your new guidelines, and how you’re doing what you feel like doing, like reading adult fantasy and historical fiction. I think it’s important that you read only what you want to read, especially during these times with your Hyperemesis Gravidarum. I love your bit saying “Great Review!” is SO 2016 haha. That made me laugh because I always do my best to avoid commenting that on somebody’s review/post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Savannah! Sometimes, book bloggers seem to forget why they started this journey in the first place. Ever since I started, I’ve had only a handful of 5-star ratings and sooooo many books that were just ‘meh’. I think that’s partly due to reading almost anything that is offered to me, so time for some change! \õ/ Haha 😀 me too! But there are still people out there who can’t think of anything else to say. Not judging them per se; sometimes that’s just all you can come up with. But I try not to get caught with it. Imagine those being your last words!! :’)

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  4. So sorry you’re still going throught this condition… I’ve heard about it before but I don’t know much about it other than reading your last post about it. Is it actually meant to stop at some stage or is it something that lasts throughout the whole pregnancy? I can’t even imagine how difficult it is.
    I hope you and your family enjoyed the Christmas and new year’s festivities and I hope your Dad is doing OK! I haven’t even asked you for a while how he’s doing but I truly hope he’s coping!

    Your new guidelines are bang on fantastic, Anne! I have been thinking to do the same… I have been enjoying the time that the review requests have been closed because I have managed to catch up with all the books I horded and it’s been sooooo good… Some of these books I enjoyed I didn’t even write a full on review for and it has given me so much enjoyment.
    Say No to the Flow 😉 is definitely what I’m going to do in 2017 as well… I have declined some review requests and felt bad about it but… I’ll get over it… especially when reading a book I have waited for so long to read 🙂 I need to figure out still what and how exactly I am going to go about this reviewing business but… maybe I’ll just take it one day at a time and the answer will come to me… I’d love to dabble more on NetGalley and surprisingly enough… wait for it… I am planning to read more New Adult… I have read so many sh*t romances that I am determined to go on a search for those specific gems! I actually read a pretty twsted one last week and while it was -whoa, Nelly- it was superawesome! 😀 So, there has to be more brilliance out there!

    Sorry for the long post… I have missed you so much.. hahaha, as if we’re not checking in on FB and such… and I hope to the powers that reading this mega long comment hasn’t given you nausea! Take care of yourself and the little one 🙂 Lots of love, Liis.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Aah, some say 12 weeks is the magical number (NOT). Others say 16 weeks and things should get better. Then there’s the occasional 20-week relief, but as far as I’m aware, most women with HG have it during their entire pregnancy. Not thinking about that though!! I’ve marked 16 weeks on my calendar for now. Only 2 more weeks to go! 😉

      They took my dad off the chemo because he could no longer cope with it. 6 rounds, crossing our fingers that it did the trick, but we’ll find out this week. My holidays mostly involved sleeping ;D. I hope yours were as festive as you were feeling about it a few weeks back ;).

      ❤ That’s exactly it! When you can read purely for the joy of reading, without having to worry about anything really is a blessing! And no need to feel bad about declining :). I’ve thought about the support I want to give to Indie authors long and hard but you can always just pluck a Freebie YOU think is interesting off the web and support them in that way. And if it sucks, like you said before: NEEEEXT!! 😀 Without any consequences or the pressure of having to write a review about it. You’re a smart lass, you’ll figure out what works for you! ❤ Though, LEGASP! NA!! 😀 You know that’s a genre I’ve never even considered because my brain automatically puts a “half naked guy on cover” image when I think of it :D. But if you’re impressed with it, hey, I need to keep an eye out for something geeewd! I’m so happy I’ll finally be able to take up recommendations from trusted sources as well. There would simply be no space or time for it beforehand!

      Now I did the same thing to you, muahahaha! It didn’t make me nauseous at all. Happy instead! 😀 ❤

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      • You seem to be dealing with it rather well though, that horrid condition. It pisses me off massively with all the things that a human body must sometimes endure… can we have aliens come over and do some genetic trick so we don’t have to be afraid of the darned illnesses?

        Sending all the best wishes to your Dad and Mom, too… Hoping for good news that the 6 rounds did to the trick. I hope he still has his sense of humor and strength to get through the days! ❤

        Aye, festive season my ass! 😀 I just read a ton… and once the evening of 25th came I was like- Oh thank fuck that’s over! 😀 I just don’t know what it is about xmas that makes me so uncomfortable… and I didn’t realise how tense I was until that evening of 25th when I realised that’s it’s done and dusted and I was like- yay, partaaay! 😀 well.. no party but, that’s what it felt like 😀

        ❤ Take Care! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • I vote YES to any referendum on aliens! 😀

          Thank you! ❤ He’s grumpy as hell, but that’s totally okay as well :).

          Hahahaha, I recognise the feeling! I have the same with New Year’s Eve, it’s just SO…awkward? Party when it’s over 😀 ❤


  5. I have never taken review requests, so that is not going to affect your blog at all. I have only chosen titles I have been interested in myself from Netgalley and Edelweiss. I too am just about done with YA. I got a ton of stinkers this year, so most of the eARCs I have picked up for this year so far gave been adult and Middle Grade. I have also realized I have too many blogs I am commenting on now. I cut back to just a core group of about 20 this morning (of which you, Danielle, and Liis are in). I will not be commenting back for random bloggers who have left cut and paste comments with maybe a three word sentance added to “personalize” it. Ha ha. Other than hopping the few non-romance blogs from the Sunday Post link-up and random interesting posts I stumble upon on Twitter, my core of homies will be it. Don’t sweat it, you will be fine.

    Annemieke from A Dance With Books was thinking her reading was going to go way down after she had Merijn in September, but she ended up reading quite a bit, so you never know. Just be happy and read what you want and concentrate on being a mama. We do this for free, so really we don’t owe anyone anything. Ha ha. Like you said, we don’t get paid enough. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for including me in the core group 🙂 ❤
      Also- I love your comment about review requests… this is something I am considering changing as well so it’s good to know how others are doing it… I just got burnt out by the million review requests while I longingly looked at all the other books everyone else was reading.. jealousy truly is a green-eyed monster 😀

      Liked by 2 people

    • Two hours after I wrote this post, I got THREE emails with a review request :’). Sweet baby Jesus. I started with that as well but then I also started requesting books I thought my audience was going to love. Yeah, I’m done with that. Fun over popularity! 😀 Cutting back to a core group is a GREAT idea. I just reorganised my RSS feed reader so I will only get notifications for a select group of blogs. I’d rather have an enthusiastic and supportive audience than those extra clicks everyone seems to be chasing after (including me before all of this 😉 ),

      That’s reassuring! 😀 At least I don’t have to leave the house to be able to read, so keeping my fingers crossed! ❤ Thanks La La! :-*

      Liked by 2 people

  6. I hope the evil sickness at least dies down a bit soon (I won’t be one of those annoying people who keeps telling you it’ll all vanish as soon as you hit the 2nd trimester… I’m sure you’ve come close to kicking a few of them!).

    Staring at a computer screen often fires off my migraines – it’s horrible. All the flashing lights and bits of your vision dancing about… just delightful. Sorry you’ve had that on top of the sickness. I think you have more than enough reasons to unplug completely and lie down in a darkened room!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Claire! I keep telling myself any day now! Not this day, though ;). (Bless you ❤ The 2nd trimester- and eating dry crackers-comments are definitely high on my kick-people-for-it list 😉 )

      It is horrible! Especially if you’re very active on the internet. I’ve installed several mods and apps to turn down the brightness of my screen and such, but it’s just not sufficient. That’s exactly what I’m doing most of the day! ❤

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  7. Okay when you said you were sick I was secretly hoping you were pregnant!!! I’m so so so excited for you!! Congrats!!
    And I think your new guidlines are perfect. You need to focus on you and that little turkey in your belly!! (Have I mentioned how excited I am for you??)
    I had morning sickness with my second but it was nowhere as near as bad as yours is, I literally can’t even imagine how you must be feeling!
    Love you girl! ❤❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahaaa!! 😀 Thank you so much! This baby took a lot of work and sickness, but it’ll be totally worth it in the end! Not that that keeps me from complaining about feeling like poop now, though ;). It’s like having a case of food poisoning for 2 months straight now. An absolute nightmare, but it will end eventually <3.
      Love you too! :-*

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  8. I’m sorry you’re still sick, I hope you manage to get better in that you can read without wanting to barf as reading should be fun and enjoyable to do.😀 Can you tell I’m a male and crap at the “get well soon” type of stuff!😂

    Yes, for Ggrrr Martin, always makes me smile when I see that and high praise for selective reading and especially adult fantasy, definitely read what you like, sometimes I think as bloggers with all the ARC’s and review requests that we lose sight of what reading is, it’s a hobby and fun and we should read what we like. Yes, I’m aware I do awesomely well for ARC’s.😂 But most have been from series/authors that I read anyway or books that interest me.

    The Dragon’s Blade is a good book from your list, both me and Liz enjoyed it.😀

    Mentioning Liz, I saw she has already commented, I’ll offer you this, ask her about Queen Fussypussy the freaking third!😂

    Liked by 4 people

    • Male and crap at the ‘get well soon’ stuff… I don’t think so Drew… you’re doing better at it than most male specimens! 😉

      You’re spreading the title, Drew! 😀 Queen Fussypussy approves! Here’s a monthly allowance of food and a pub crawl! 😀

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      • Ha, that title needs spreading it’s a wonderful name!😂😀👍

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      • Queen Fussypussy! Enlighten me on this majestic title! :’)

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        • Ha 🙂 Just reviewed The Queen of the Tearling series and I may have complained a bit about a few things… so I titled myself Fussypussy! hehehe.. Drew latched onto it straight away! 😀

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          • Oh dear, I’ve still got the first book lying around here but it’s definitely not on my priority list :D. Brilliant title, though!! Hmm, I’ve been watching some YouTube videos on how to latch on properly…it seems harder than it looks Drew! ^^

            Liked by 1 person

            • You may well love the series… but… I’m not 100% sure of that 😀
              Videos of latching on? Anne, you’re like a knowledge bank to me.. what the hell are in the videos about properly latching on? 😀 😀 😀

              Liked by 1 person

            • I’ll get to it at some point! 😀 Hahaha, I’d send you a link, but I think it’s considered to be NSFW ;). Something with breastfeeding XD


            • Darn it- I keep missing the point with the pregnancy puns! 😀 I need to brush up on me female side! 😀 Or get preggers! 😀


    • By Jove! I started a fantasy anthology last night and didn’t feel extra sick while reading it at all! 😀 And I agree with Liis here, you’re definitely doing better than most male specimens when it comes to being…I’m gonna say a very unmasculine word now…wait for it…emotionally supportive :D. Thank you! ❤

      You’re definitely right there. Reading should be a fun outlet, never a boring chore which brings stress and pressure! Unless you’re Donna and need to read horrible classics for your studies :’). Haha! You do, but you also stick to what you really like and one can only have respect for that. Fuck diversity, it’s all about enjoyment! 😀 Did you request a copy of Mark Lawrence’s new book yet btw? I got an approval for it on NetGalley out of the wazoo and took it as my cue to step away from the YA! :’) Big boy books for life! ❤ I’m looking forward to reading the Dragon’s Blade. The author seemed very friendly as well! 🙂

      Hahahaha, what the helll?! :’) :’) :’) I’ll ask her for sure!


      • Ha, that goes to show that fantasy is the way to go! 🙂 Ha, unmasculine word, emotionally supportive, I’d put it down to ‘default’ and that the lack of male bloggers just makes what I write look good! 🙂

        Eurgh, classics, poor Donna, I’ve not read many classics and the only one I really enjoyed was Dracula.

        Oh no, not diversity, no comment, only this, as I’m writing this I’m wearing black and white trainers and as Whacko himself said, it don’t matter if you’re black or white, yay, diversity!😂

        That’s awesome, congratulations on Red Sister by Mark Lawrence, I know Jill got denied but she’s got a lot on anyway and as she’s only read one Lawrence book. I’d seen that a few UK bloggers had been denied recently for it, I hope you enjoy it, every review I’ve seen praises it as awesome and his best book yet!😀

        No, I haven’t requested a copy, I haven’t requested anything from Netgalley in months and months and I’d like a proper copy to review. Does that make me sound bad??🤔 I’d been blogging for about a month when I requested The Wheel of Osheim last year and got accepted, it wasn’t out until May/June but still, I hadn’t been blogging long and got it. He’s published by Harper Voyager/Collins and I’ll ask them for a copy nearer the release, they are also the publisher for Robin Hobb, she has a book coming out so I’ll request both and try my luck, they are also the publisher of Ggggrrrr Martin – I have to steal that name, it’s awesome and Winds of Winter just like The Stone Door is begging for an ARC request!😂😀😂👍

        Yeah, the Dragon author seems a nice guy, he’s sending me the sequel to read to.😀 Me and Liz both liked it, it’s fast paced and 400 pages which makes a change for fantasy.

        Ha, yeah, true, Big boy books 4 life!😀

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        • Your competitors in male emotional support are Doctor Rash, Andrew the Book Heathen, and Stuart McEwan. Du dun DUUUUUUUUUN!!! :’) Oh damnit, and Lashaan! [insert Halloween theme song]

          There are a couple of cool classics out there, but I’d never solely read them. Too little blood and gore :’). But poor Waffles indeed.

          Haha! Were you secretly born as a black guy as well, though? O_o

          D’awwe, poor Trixie! I was completely baffled myself to be honest. Saw the general email from NetGalley and thought, oh ffs, let this not be another crappy book I requested when my mind was being a dildo (wait for the dildo spam comments to pop into my spam folder now!), but when I saw it was Mark Lawrence, I did a mental happy dance! Especially with my absence and all. Publishers’ decisions remain a mystery to me! 😀

          Not bad at all for waiting for a physical copy. I think fantasy books work better when you can see the cover in all its proper glory :D. I hope GRRRRR Martin will be decent enough to not be a celebrity dying in 2017. He managed to survive 2016 at least.

          Awesome, I started it last night! And again, physical copy works better here as well ;D

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          • Ha, yeah, classics seem to lack blood and gore, it was a different time though. I just can’t get into them, lots of the prose seems stilted and it’s hard to get drawn in.

            I like what I like though, visceral gory violence.😀

            Damn it, busted, yeah, I was born black and my real name was D’Von or Delroy – whichever sounds more black.😂

            Oh, poor Dr Rash, you be nice to him Anne and don’t go asking lots of weird medical questions to him, making him blush and bashful, he’s not like us bunch of reprobates.😂

            Ha, Ggggrrrr has to have finished that damn book, it’s probably lost in his beard, same as Rothfuss.😂


  9. I’m so sorry you are still not feeling well! I hope it gets better during your second trimester. I think your new guidelines are great and totally understandable! You need to focus on yourself the most but do what’s enjoyable when it comes to reading, blogging and interacting with everyone. I hope you enjoy the books that you have on your list to read! I also hope you start feeling better ASAP! I’m still excited for you though, and congrats again on your pregnancy!

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  10. Good luck with your goals, and I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself.

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  11. ichabod2014ic // 02/01/2017 at 17:33 // Reply

    Your health and happiness are all we care about. Books can wait.
    Please get well soon.

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  12. I am so sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well. When I was pregnant with my 3rd, I threw up daily until a few weeks before she was born. It wasn’t as bad as yours but it still stunk. I also ended up losing 25lbs because of it.

    I also stopped blogging during that pregnancy too. I just didn’t have the energy to write and when summer came, I was more concerned about staying cool and not being a grumpy, hot, pregnant woman (she was born the end of September for a guideline).

    I love the new guidelines and you need to focus on getting better!!!

    I haven’t read any of those but they do look like something I would be interested in reading.

    My New Years Resolution for blogging/reading….um, is it bad that I don’t have one….lol? I don’t make them because I end up always breaking them.

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    • Sounds like you were in a similar situation, though! Unless they get dehydrated, some women don’t even know what’s going on and that it’s not normal to puke on a daily basis and continuing to lose weight because of it!

      I’m sort of glad to hear that ;). Sometimes, I feel like such a wimp for not continuing most of my daily activities, but I just avoid anything that has the potential of making me sicker. Sigh. Oh, staying cool is definitely going to be my main priority in a few months as well! I’m due on the 9th of July which is usually in the middle of a heatwave >.> yay!

      Thank you!! ❤ And definitely not bad, resolutions are broken all of the time, so why bother with’em right? No one needs extra pressure! 😀 I just made mine to get things straight for myself and regaining my sanity :’).

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      • I mentioned it to my OB when I burst blood vessels in my eyes from throwing up and they said “Its normal”. I lost 25lbs when I was pregnant with her and gained it all back the first week from stress eating (she was in NICU). I did the same thing and I felt bad for my older kids. I couldn’t even drive without getting sick and by the time summer rolled around, I wasn’t in the mood to take them out to do fun stuff. July 9th 🙂 My brother’s birthday is July 8th :). My daughter wasn’t born until September 29th and that year it was HOT out until mid September. Bleh. I lived in front of the AC and fan….lol. I am beginning that maybe I should have made resolutions to help with my sanity too….lol.


  13. I’m so sorry to hear that you are sick. I hope that you will get better soon.

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  14. Get better and of course, take your time to read and review whatever you want!!! Best wishes ❤

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  15. Anne, you are an original voice! I love that you are setting parameters around your blogging. You are taking charge of your life where you can. Bringing forth a new little life, there are a lot of things beyond your control. Focusing on what you can direct is a smart strategy! I look forward to hearing more about how you are doing in the coming months. Best Wishes!

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    • I think that’s the biggest compliment anyone could give me, so THANK YOU SO MUCH, Ardis!! <3. I keep having to think about your experience of having to stay on bed rest for the last 3 months. I just hope this will be the only ‘complication’ I’ll have! Thank you!! The best of wishes to you as well!


  16. Anne-
    It is great to hear from you and to get an update in whatever form at you are able. Your accounts of this pregnancy sickness are harrowing and have me grimacing in sympathy while wishing somehow I could ease your symptoms in any fashion. I am sending e-hugs your way but so wish I could do better (and help in some practical way). I have nothing to offer but my well wishes. Stay strong. Arrrrrrrr!
    x The Captain

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    • Your e-hugs and well wishes are a underestimated treasure for sure <3. It’s like I’m being very seasick for two months now, so I’m taking precautions in not being a part of your physical crew and experience this again anytime soon! Thank you so much ❤


  17. Glad to read the meds are helping a little bit. And good to hear from you again!
    You are so right deciding to only read what you feel like reading! Brings back the joy. When our son was born, I lost a lot of reading time because I prefered sleeping 😆 but maybe you will find energy for it. Another good reason to only read books you like: precious time!
    Hope the next couple of weeks the nausea will disappear and you can fully enjoy your pregnancy!

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    • They help me keep things in a little better, thank god! 🙂 Exactly! I don’t know why we are sometimes so keen on torturing ourselves when it’s not necessary at all. Haha, that’s exactly how I’m imagining my first months with the wee one: sleeping whenever I can! 😀 I really hope so too! Thanks Myrea! ❤ (oh, and jealous of you not having been nauseous at all during your pregnancy, hmpf! 😉 )

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  18. I didn’t realize you were expecting! Congrats. I had horrible morning sickness with my first. I was tired of seeing all my food back in the toilet. I haven’t read any of the books you mentioned but I hope to broaden my book choices in 2017. I too decided to stop reading so many ARCs and do some more re reads this year. Happy new year 🎈

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    • Thank you Jolene! 🙂 I just eat very small portions of whatever I think I can stomach at that point. Together with 3 suppositories a day to suppress the vomiting, this has been a fun ride so far ❤ ;). Back to the basics. I’ve been thinking about rereading Harry Potter as soon I can. Life’s too short to not spend time doing the things you like. Happy New Year! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Feel better, do your thing! You shouldn’t feel even remotely obligated to carry on with books you don’t find interest in once you start reading. Life is too short for poor book experiences.

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  20. I’m so sorry you are still feeling so horribly. I sure hope as you get further into the pregnancy it will calm down for you. 😦 I can sympathize with the reading since I went through surgery myself and just couldn’t handle picking them up for very long for several weeks afterward and I’m still not convinced the surgery has helped much either so who knows what the doc will have in store for me next. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m keeping my fingers crossed as well, thank you Carrie <3.
      What kind of surgery did you have? I don’t believe I’ve asked you before, respecting your privacy and all. Guess I just threw that out the window :’). I hope you’re back on track with your reading habits now, though!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh I don’t mind answering. I had my gallbladder out. Problems have gone on for a year of not tolerating foods and stomach bothering me etc. Still not convinced it’s all fixed up just yet but I have done better since the surgery than I had been.


  21. I’ll consider myself a coconut. 🙂
    I do hope you feel better though and are able to work out a way to keep up with posts. I find that hard to do sometimes because I follow a lot of blogs. It’s hard to read all the new posts daily.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahaha :D. Coconuts are awesome ;).
      Thank you Zezee! It’s almost an impossible task to read all the new posts on a daily basis. Respect for anyone who’s able to pull it off flawlessly!

      Liked by 1 person

  22. I will keep this short and say two big “Fecking” thumbs up to this post and taking care of you and yours. But you already know where I stand with all of it. Going to save some time and message you ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  23. You said “bratwurst”!

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  24. rashthedoctor // 03/01/2017 at 14:59 // Reply

    Sorry to hear of the persistent Hyperemesis, Get well soon … just curious though – what’s the 2017 version of “Great Review”?

    Liked by 1 person

  25. bookheathen // 03/01/2017 at 15:18 // Reply

    I hope your HG soon goes away; it must be the pits. My daughter is due next week and she was lucky to escape the worst of that sort of thing. Good luck in keeping to your resolutions. I’ve promised to read the Captain Lincoln story and at least one more of Karen Gray’s series.

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Elsbeth huberdine // 03/01/2017 at 21:31 // Reply

    love you! elsbeth

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  27. Ladybug // 03/01/2017 at 21:33 // Reply

    I love everything about this. Minus the barfing. Hang in there…

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Oh, I am so sorry this pregnancy is so rough! I know “here’s to hoping” may seem a little pointless at the moment, but I hope 2017 gets better for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Take care of yourself for this new year, Anne, and I hope it’ll get better with time! Sending you lots of love and happiness for the year ahead of us :
    I get it about not wanting ARCs anymore, there are just so many books to read and it gets overwhelming at times, it’s more important to focus on what we actually want to read.
    Also, yes for the comments and everything. I want to comment and share love on every blog, but sometimes people just comment and leave something that’s not meaningful at all, and it’s like they didn’t even bother reading, which makes me so, so mad as well.
    Sending you love, Anne ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you lovely! :-* Overwhelming is definitely a definition of it. Less is more! I hate the pressure that comes along with having to finish something on time. I know right? After you’ve spent 3 hours on a simple tag, someone comments: “Looks like a fun tag!”, to which my vicious mind replies “Well, your FACE looks like fun!” XD. Thank you so much! ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  30. I want you to feel better!!! ❤️❤️❤️I go by the 30% mark before deciding about DNFing a book. There are not enough hours in a day to spend them on books you don’t love! I do sometimes only post a small comment with no real material to it when I liked the post but am too tired to think properly but I do understand how that’s not really useful 🙂
    Oh I loved The Last Day of Captain Lincoln!!
    Take good care of yourself Lady Saucy and of the little warrior!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me tooooooo! I think the 30% mark is a good point to make the final call.
      Oh no, it’s not about comments having to be useful, let’s not put any more pressure on ourselves in that department :D. You and I are both perfectionists and always having to come up with a quality comment will just suck the life out of me for sure! xD It’s more about it being personal I suppose. Like, imagine you’ve written an entire post about children dying in Africa, and added one sentence about them not having any washing machines so they need to wash their clothes in a dirty river. Then someone comments “Ugh, my washing machine died as well yesterday. Great post!”. Unless I know it’s just that particular person’s wacky sense of humour, it really works me up. Like closing your eyes and putting your finger on a random word of a post and then making a random comment on it. Crazy!
      But I’m definitely not a comment nazi otherwise, just a ‘<3’ is already fine with me coming from the right and non-creepy person xD
      I’ve only seen positive reviews of that one, so YAY! Thank you ma petite flan! :-*


      • Sometimes, even 30% is too much, haha! Carry On was let go after…. 60 pages? :p
        Yes! That happened to me a couple of times! I received weird comments like these and thought “what the hell? If you take the time to comment, might as well read the entire thing!!” I get it now, silly me xD
        Haha, so I can’t leave you lots of hearts because I love creepy so much I think I’m starting to be creepy too!!
        I’ll add hearts anyway :p <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3


  31. dez | the fun in reading books // 05/01/2017 at 18:17 // Reply

    I’m so sorry you’re still not feeling well, Anne. But I really hope you feel better soooon!! And like what others have already told you, your health is more important and books can wait so just take care of yourself for now. 🙂


  32. Ah jeez- that’s terrible to have comments like that on your post about your father. I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better so you can read again and hope you feel completely better soon!! In the meantime, take it easy! Happy New Year!


  33. Congratulations!! 🎈🍾🎊🎉
    Just kidding…I can be funny, too. 🤣😂🤣😑
    Anyway…I’m hoping I’m one of those special bloggers? That package is getting opened TODAY! I figured out all the specifics for videos and I just can’t wait any longer.
    I am sad about the YA…but different strokes. Heh heh…I said “strokes.”
    I do hope the nausea goes away…when I’m naseaous, anything I look at makes me sick. Like ANYTHING. So I get the books thing. You prob got sick at some point reading or thinking about them, and now you associate them with vomit. Hopefully that won’t happen to me. Remember, I’m awesome…no mas vomits when you look at me or my posts. No mas.
    I miss you. 😩😫
    You’re the Yin to my blogger Yang…or vice versa. Whichever makes sense.


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